Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One of those days

You ever had "one of those days?"
It seems that in 2010 I've had more of "those days" than not, which makes me think that perhaps the expression is no longer valid for me.

Not that I'm complaining, because it is life. I am learning and experiencing every day, whether I want to or not. One of my dearest friends that I don't get to see often enough (like them all) recently mentioned the "interesting" life I have.

Having a series of "those days" apparently leads to "interesting."

My day today was in the "those days" category; although it's not really out of the ordinary for life as I've come to know it.

My 7 month old baby has begun to cut a tooth. His misery has further cut into the very little sleep I had been getting, so when the alarm rang at 6 a.m. to get out of bed I was not a happy camper (even though I had just by lying there since 5:30 when I last nursed baby).

It was a fast and furious morning, as it always is, to get everyone dressed, medicated, fed, teeth and hair done, winter gear on, bags packed, etc. etc. etc.

I dropped of my eldest at Kindergarten. I had forgotten my purse, so the middle child and I went back for it. I then meandered a strange way to his preschool as my mind took me inadvertently to his daycare first (even though four days of five I take him to the preschool location).

At preschool dropoff, I ran into my Dad's hair-twin - he reminds me so much of my Dad - and I hadn't seen this guy in weeks. "White Christmas" was playing on the radio and I proceeded to cry all the way to work.

I get to work 2 minutes late. I scurry as quickly as I can on projects and leave work one-and-a-half hours later to get my eldest to her appointments. We get into her audiology appointment 15 minutes late due to their patient load. We got into her ENT appointment two hours late. And although she was missing school, missing lunch, bored out of her mind in this non-kid-friendly waiting room, I am quite proud of her behavior. If we didn't love this doctor so much, and if she wasn't so highly recommend and even touted as the best in the region, and if there was any chance in hell I would've been able to get another appointment with her before June, I would've left.

She's been off antibiotics for a couple weeks and she has yet another ear infection festering and something brewing in her sinuses too. After lengthy discussion over my eldest's year (and previous history) it is decided the best route is ear tube surgery, a possible adenoid removal, and a possible nasal lavage.We have been through all this with our middle child a couple of times, but with his adenoid removal, he was overdosed on a pain med and coded. There is nothing like holding your lifeless purple/blue child while chaos moves about you. Although I know it's the right step, and our daughter's Kindergarten teacher is so glad we're finally doing something, I get a knot in my tummy each time I think about it.

She and I both missed lunch, and she so very much wanted Subway, so we quickly did that together.

I drop her off at school, get back to work and fly through as much as I can for one hour. It is then time to pick up my daughter as school is out. She is wearing holy, worn out jeans that are about 4 sizes too big. She had her first "accident" at school because she chose not to listen to me when I said "first thing you do when you get to your room is go to the bathroom." Great, that means extra laundry tonight because these pants aren't ours, and her snowpants got it too because she was out at recess. Oh, and everyone's laundry was done, except for mine which I needed to do so I have pants for work tomorrow. Laundry, the joys.

We come home and I pump as I am still nursing baby and I've neglected this chore since 6 a.m. We then head out to daycare to get my middle child for his speech appointment. He was about to go play in the snow with his class, so I practically dragged him out - much to his disgust. However, this worked out well as I was able to get speech in for him and pick up my daughter's newest prescription at one stop. I love efficiency.

Then it's home to a pot roast that's been slow cooking all day. It was frozen at 7:30 a.m. and I can't remember what I put in it. To this day, I don't think I've ever done a roast the same way twice - pretty much try anything I can find. So far, so good. Perhaps you just can't screw up a roast.

Pot roast, spaghetti and thin cut green beans. A nontraditional combination, but it's all stuff I know I can get everybody to eat. By this point, my middle child looks and sounds like he's not feeling well (and how could he be with everyone sick everywhere we go?), so an executive decision to keep him home from Kindermusik is made. With that, it's dishes and kitchen clean up, three baths, discussion on baby's mystery rash, snacks, a breathing treatment, nursing...and all three are so tired that we didn't even squeeze in a bedtime story. Good thing my daughter and I had down time during the speech appointment to fit in two books, not to mention the only two they had as we waited forever at her appointments today.

I entered a few more orders to the party I am closing tomorrow. I did quick free "Santa" video links for both of my big kids, which I almost wish I could go wake them up to see! And I have now been telling myself to go get my work computer and file out of the van and get moving. I have to turn a huge project in tomorrow so there is no way around it...yet I sit and type this. It's not an incredibly interesting post. Just simply a snapshot of "one of these days" in an incredibly busy, interesting, quite average...and yet blessed existence.

Most every day is like this. Jam packed full of stuff, and yet I can never get everything done that needs doing.
And usually there's always a few extra hoops added in just for good measure.
But I think that's the course I'm meant to be on.
And I get my some pretty cool highlights that are my favorite parts of each day...hugs, kisses, laughter and amazement.
I can always find those gifts in even the worst of  "one of those days."

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