Sunday, March 21, 2010

Waiting on the Vote

Historical legislation is about to be passed tonight. It's the healthcare bill, which is tied to the student loan bill. Both are so intricately weaved together and complicated, in my opinion, that it's hard to find anyone who really understands the ins and outs of either.

But that doesn't stop ignorant people from throwing their two cents around, which sure creates interesting (and even hurtful) spin...correctness tends to fly out the window.

What I do know is that this legislation will immediately impact my place of work, and eventually some of the people who work there, possibly even me. There are just so many unknowns at this point, and that is an uneasy feeling. I know that the rest of the country doesn't understand the concept of our organization, or what a benefit having such a thing is for the citizens of the state. Our citizens get it though.

I know that the legislation, as it currently sits, is missing many, many, many important pieces to it because those who crafted it aren't involved in the ins and outs of it all. I know that here in our state, we seem to do things right, and I wish that we could just continue this without interference from those who don't understand us.

It's interesting that all of this has been going on for months, but just now people are becoming aware and trying to understand it, and it's now too late. Although I've learned that we humans generally choose ignorance until something hits us in the face and affects our direct world...much like our family with Down syndrome or the world of special needs.

It's been many, many long months of waiting and wondering, so I guess having the final answer tonight is a relief in a way, even if the chips aren't falling on our side.

However, I do think that years from now we will be at a vantage point of saying, "told you so"...and when it comes to the good of our people, that doesn't feel good at all.

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