Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'd Pick Missing Over the Miles...

Oh, this post from 12/20/08 hurts. What I wouldn't give to miss my dad because of the miles, rather than the permanence of death.

Next topic: My parents' retirement. Don't get me wrong - I am SO excited for them. They truly deserve it! As a kid, I can't tell you how many times we had plans to do something and then it would be cancelled. Uncountable really...and that's how they've had to live much of the last 30 years. Obviously their profession does not come with the predictability of many, and being on call 24-7 is very, very demanding. It's been a challenging and rewarding career and service to people, and they've done an awesome job. They truly deserve to find something else to do, and have a lot of fun while doing it. 

--Insert selfish statement here--

I however, am trying to come to grips with not having them just three hours away. I miss them when they're just that far. Now they're heading off to Phoenix in January, to return sometime in April. Yikes! What a strange next step for all of us!

Again, a perfect world would mean that all my brothers and my parents would be here in my town...but again, that's just my selfish side talking. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing the stress of their work slip out of their voices and to hearing about all their silly adventures to come.

I'm just going to really, really, really miss them.

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